Hatha Yoga course
The Hatha Yoga course incorporates physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and relaxation methods.
Introduction Session (1st Class)
Introduction to Hatha Yoga: Brief overview of Hatha Yoga principles and benefits.
Basic Postures: Introduce basic asanas and their alignment.
Breathing Techniques: Teach foundational pranayama, like diaphragmatic breathing.
Relaxation Techniques: Practice a simple guided relaxation or meditation.
Weekly Breakdown
Week 1-2: Foundations
Postures: Focus on foundational poses like Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), Warrior I & II (Virabhadrasana I & II), and Child’s Pose (Balasana).
Breathing: Continue with diaphragmatic breathing, introduce Ujjayi breath.
Relaxation: Practice Savasana (Corpse Pose) and a short meditation.
Week 3-4: Building Strength
Postures: Introduce poses that build strength, such as Plank Pose (Phalakasana), Chair Pose (Utkatasana), and Boat Pose (Navasana).
Breathing: Introduce alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana).
Relaxation: Include guided relaxation techniques focusing on body awareness.
Week 5-6: Flexibility and Balance
Postures: Add poses that enhance flexibility, like Forward Bend (Uttanasana), Standing Split (Uttanasana), and Tree Pose (Vrksasana).
Breathing: Incorporate more advanced pranayama techniques like Bhramari (Bee Breath).
Relaxation: Explore yoga nidra or deeper guided meditation practices.
Week 7-8: Integration and Flow
Postures: Combine learned poses into simple sequences or flows, e.g., Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar).
Breathing: Practice synchronizing breath with movement in a flow.
Relaxation: Emphasize mindfulness and deep relaxation techniques.
Final Session
Review: Recap the key postures, breathing techniques, and relaxation methods learned throughout the course.
Practice: Lead a full-length Hatha Yoga class incorporating everything covered.
Feedback: Provide time for students to share their experiences and ask questions.
This course outline provides a structured approach, ensuring students build a solid foundation and gradually advance in their practice.
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(The best online Hatha yoga course.)